June 26, 2024

Modernizing Medical Licensing: An Interview with Stacy Harris, CRO of Mocingbird

In this interview, Stacy Harris, Chief Revenue Officer at Mocingbird, shares how the platform is transforming continuing medical education. Learn how Mocingbird helps clinicians efficiently manage their credentials, ensuring they stay compliant while focusing on patient care.

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June 11, 2024

Leading Innovation as Mocingbird’s COO: Interview with Sarah Bishop

In this interview with Providence Business News, Sarah Bishop shares her journey ascending from Senior Director of Operations to Chief Operating Officer at Mocingbird. With a focus on enhancing operational efficiency and fostering collaboration, Bishop's expertise in medical credentialing and leadership underscores Mocingbird's commitment to innovation and excellence in healthcare operations.

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June 11, 2024

Streamlining Physician Licensing: an Interview with Mocingbird and IMLCC

In this interview, explore the collaboration between Mocingbird and the IMLC, aimed at streamlining physician licensing across states. Uncover how their innovative technologies are empowering healthcare professionals to focus on patient care, while revolutionizing administrative tasks.

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June 11, 2024

Efficient Cross-State Licensing: An Interview with Dr. Ian Madom on the Enhanced Physician Portal

In an interview with Providence Business News, Dr. Ian Madom, CEO of Mocingbird, discusses the development of the Enhanced Physician Portal for the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission. This portal aims to streamline multistate licensing for over 16,000 physicians, improving healthcare access nationwide. Dr. Madom highlights Mocingbird's expertise in simplifying certification compliance and enhancing patient care in underserved areas.

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May 22, 2024

With an Eye on Innovation and Efficiency, Mocingbird Taps Accomplished Healthcare Leader, Sarah Bishop, as New Chief Operating Officer

Mocingbird has appointed Sarah Bishop as the new Chief Operating Officer, recognizing her expertise in medical credentialing. Bishop's leadership promises to enhance operational efficiency and foster innovation in CME management for healthcare professionals and organizations.

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November 14, 2023

In Effort to Revolutionize Medical Licensing Process, IMLCC Taps Mocingbird to Build Enhanced Physician Portal

Project aims to create best-in-class system to streamline licensing for medical professionals, administrators, and state agencies.

Continuing its mission to eliminate the endless inefficiencies associated with the medical licensing process, the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission (IMLCC) today announced it has selected Mocingbird to bring a best-in-class Enhanced Physician Portal (EPP) into reality.

After reviewing 10 applications for the project, the IMLCC selected Mocingbird to build, implement, and maintain the EPP for the over 16,000 physicians in its 41 member states and territories. With the creation of the portal, the IMLCC seeks to make it easier for physicians who want to practice in multiple states to acquire the appropriate licenses, thus increasing access to medical care in underserved communities, expanding the use of new medical technologies, and improving the continuum of care for out-of-state patients, among other benefits.

Marschall S. Smith, Executive Director of Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, image with quote. "By leveraging Mocingbird's knowledge and expertise, together we will create a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive, fully automated physician portal and solve several pain points for everyone in the licensing process. A true paradigm shift."

“Since our formation in 2017, IMLCC has helped more than 16,000 physicians in member states secure more than 80,000 licenses, oftentimes cutting in half the cost and time associated with the process. While we’ve successfully torn down multiple silos over the years, our current system, with a cumbersome interface, is not built for the end user,” said IMLCC Executive Director Marschall S. Smith. “By leveraging Mocingbird's knowledge and expertise, together we will create a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive, fully automated physician portal and solve several pain points for everyone in the licensing process. A true paradigm shift.”

Founded by practicing physicians, Mocingbird is a cloud-based platform that automates clinician certification compliance by eliminating the chaos of ongoing credentialing and delivering high-impact CME. The company plans to implement the same patented technology that powers its current rules engine to build the EPP. Once complete, the EPP will serve as a single repository for physician demographics, practice information, and primary-sourced continuing medical education (CME) information.

Dr. Ian Madom, CEO and Cofounder of Mocingbird, image with quote. "All of us at Mocingbird are truly honored and excited for this opportunity to help the IMLC grow its footprint and create a seamless process for physicians to apply for and maintain multiple state medical licenses with ease."

“All of us at Mocingbird are truly honored and excited for this opportunity to help the IMLC grow its footprint and create a seamless process for physicians to apply for and maintain multiple state medical licenses with ease,” said Mocingbird Co-Founder and CEO, Dr. Ian Madom. “Our team is uniquely positioned to serve the very specific needs of the IMLC. Not only are our missions closely aligned but, by utilizing physician input and feedback while developing every aspect of our current Mocingbird platform, we also have experience in creating an environment that is ‘for physicians, by physicians.’”

How the IMLC Streamlines Licensure

The licenses are still issued by the individual states – just as they would be using the standard licensing process – but because the application for licensure in these states is routed through the Compact, the overall process of gaining a license is significantly streamlined. Physicians receive their licenses much faster and with fewer burdens.

After the State of Principle License (SPL) has verified a physician’s eligibility for the Compact, the application and “core data” is provided to the states where the physician wants to practice medicine. By using expedited, primary source verified information-sharing, participating states are able to significantly speed up the licensure process.

The licensing is all state-based. The Commission does not issue a “Compact license” or a nationally recognized medical license for physicians.

Only states and territories that have formally joined the Compact can participate in this streamlined licensure process. In order to participate in the Compact, states and territories must pass legislation authorizing it.


About the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission

The Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission governs and administers the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact. Currently consisting of 39 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam - the Compact is an agreement among participating U.S. states and territories to work together to significantly streamline the licensing process for physicians who want to practice in multiple states. It offers a voluntary, expedited pathway to licensure for physicians who qualify. The mission of the Compact is to increase access to health care – particularly for patients in underserved or rural areas. The Compact makes it possible to extend the reach of physicians, improve access to medical specialists, and leverage the use of new medical technologies, such as telemedicine. While making it easier for physicians to obtain licenses to practice in multiple states, the Compact also strengthens public protection by enhancing the ability of states to share investigative and disciplinary information.


About Mocingbird

Mocingbird is a SaaS management platform dedicated to improving medicine and clinician well-being. Our comprehensive solution eliminates the chaos of ongoing credentialing and delivers high-impact Continuing Medical Education (CME). With Mocingbird, individual clinicians gain a convenient one-stop solution to validate, track, document, and calculate their CME requirements for professional license maintenance. Healthcare organizations benefit from a powerful management tool that provides a real-time compliance overview for effective risk mitigation. Founded by Interventional Cardiologist, Dr. George Fernaine, and Orthopedic Spine Surgeon and CEO, Dr. Ian Madom.

October 26, 2023

Balancing Innovation and Privacy: Harnessing AI’s Potential while Ensuring Data Security in Healthcare

Between diagnosing diseases, optimizing treatment plans, and drug discovery, AI has the potential to transform healthcare in unprecedented ways. However, this transformation comes with a significant responsibility: the need to strike a delicate balance between innovation and privacy.

The Data Security Challenge

Data Vulnerabilities

The large volumes of data required for AI training and decision-making create potential vulnerabilities if not adequately protected. These vulnerabilities include concerns such as bias and fairness, data quality, poisoning, and drift, to name just a few.

Privacy Concerns

Patients rightfully expect their medical data to be kept confidential. The use of AI raises concerns about who has access to their sensitive information and for what purposes.

Regulatory Compliance

Healthcare organizations are subject to strict regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions.

Striking the Balance

Data Encryption

Encrypting data at rest and in transit is crucial. This ensures that even if unauthorized access occurs, the data remains unreadable.

Access Control

Implement strict access controls to limit data access to authorized personnel only. Regularly audit and monitor data access to detect and prevent unauthorized use.

Ethical AI

Develop AI models that are explainable, transparent, and ethically trained to avoid biases and respect patient rights.

Patient Consent

Ensure that patients are informed about how their data will be used and obtain their informed consent when required by regulations.

Regular Audits and Compliance

Continuously assess and update security measures to comply with evolving data protection laws.

The Future of AI-Driven Healthcare


Ensure that AI systems can seamlessly integrate with existing healthcare infrastructure and share data securely.

Education and Training

Healthcare professionals and AI developers must be educated on data security best practices and ethical AI principles.


Encourage collaboration between healthcare institutions, tech companies, and regulators to establish common standards and guidelines.

Final Thoughts

With the limitless potential of AI across industries, it’s important to uphold the responsible deployment of AI in healthcare, as it demands a commitment to data security and patient privacy. Achieving this balance between innovation and privacy will enable us to harness AI's transformative power while maintaining the trust and ethical standards that are central to healthcare.



About Mocingbird


Mocingbird is a SaaS management platform dedicated to improving medicine and clinician well-being. Our comprehensive solution eliminates the chaos of ongoing credentialing and delivers high-impact Continuing Medical Education (CME). With Mocingbird, individual clinicians gain a convenient one-stop solution to validate, track, document, and calculate their CME requirements for professional license maintenance. Healthcare organizations benefit from a powerful management tool that provides a real-time compliance overview for effective risk mitigation. Founded by Interventional Cardiologist, Dr. George Fernaine, and Orthopedic Spine Surgeon and CEO, Dr. Ian Madom. Schedule a meeting with the Mocingbird team.  


About the Author

With 10+ years of industry experience, George Rhinehart is Mocingbird’s Director of Engineering. His background includes roles as an electronics engineer, software engineer, and software manager at Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, where he worked on air and space defense contracts. He holds a BS in Computer Engineering, an MS in Systems Engineering, and an MBA

October 23, 2023

Navigating the Complexities of Data Security in Healthcare

Data security has become a paramount concern across various industries, but it holds a unique significance in the healthcare sector. With the increasing digitization of patient records and the integration of technology into medical practices, the healthcare industry faces a multitude of challenges when it comes to safeguarding this sensitive data. Navigating the complexities of data security in healthcare is not just a matter of compliance; it's a critical step in ensuring the trust and safety of patients.



Patient Privacy

One of the fundamental ethical principles in healthcare is respecting patient privacy. Patients trust healthcare providers to protect their sensitive information, including medical history, diagnoses, and treatment plans. A breach of this trust can lead to severe consequences for both patients and healthcare providers.

Compliance Requirements

Healthcare organizations are subject to strict regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions.

Financial Impact

Data breaches can have a significant financial impact on healthcare organizations. They not only face fines but also incur costs related to breach investigation, legal fees, and potential settlements.



Diverse Data Ecosystem

Healthcare data comes in various forms, including electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging, wearable device data, and more. Managing and securing this diverse data ecosystem is a complex task.

Human Error

Despite advanced technology, human error remains a leading cause of data breaches in healthcare. This includes unintentional actions like misaddressed emails, as well as deliberate insider threats.

Ransomware Attacks

The healthcare industry has been a prime target for ransomware attacks in recent years. These attacks can cripple healthcare systems and compromise patient care.


Best Practices


Encrypting data at rest and in transit is crucial. This ensures that even if unauthorized access occurs, the data remains unreadable.

Access Control

Implement strict access controls to limit who can access patient data. Only authorized personnel should have access, and their permissions should be regularly reviewed and updated.

Employee Training

Conduct regular training sessions to educate staff about the importance of data security and how to recognize and respond to potential threats.

Incident Response Plan

Develop a robust incident response plan that outlines steps to take in case of a data breach or other security events. Time is critical in mitigating the impact of an event.

Regular Audits and Assessments

Perform regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with regulations.


Emerging Trends


The use of blockchain technology is gaining traction in healthcare to enhance data security and integrity.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is being used to detect anomalies in patient data that may indicate a security breach.

Zero Trust Architecture

This approach challenges traditional security models by assuming that threats can come from within the network. It requires constant verification of trust for anyone trying to access resources.


Final Thoughts

Data security in healthcare is a multifaceted challenge that demands constant vigilance and innovation. Healthcare organizations must prioritize the protection of patient data not only to comply with regulations but also to maintain patient trust and the quality of healthcare services. The security landscape is ever-changing, so staying informed is essential when attempting to successfully navigate this complex space.


About Mocingbird

Mocingbird is a SaaS management platform dedicated to improving medicine and clinician well-being. Our comprehensive solution eliminates the chaos of ongoing credentialing and delivers high-impact Continuing Medical Education (CME). With Mocingbird, individual clinicians gain a convenient one-stop solution to validate, track, document, and calculate their CME requirements for professional license maintenance. Healthcare organizations benefit from a powerful management tool that provides a real-time compliance overview for effective risk mitigation. Founded by Interventional Cardiologist, Dr. George Fernaine, and Orthopedic Spine Surgeon and CEO, Dr. Ian Madom. Schedule a meeting with the Mocingbird team.  


About the Author

With 10+ years of industry experience, George Rhinehart is Mocingbird’s Director of Engineering. His background includes roles as an electronics engineer, software engineer, and software manager at Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, where he worked on air and space defense contracts. He holds a BS in Computer Engineering, an MS in Systems Engineering, and an MBA

June 5, 2023

The File Cabinet: A Deep Dive into the New Features

Discover the enhanced Mocingbird File Cabinet with user-friendly features and a handy guide to maximize its new functions.

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March 22, 2023

The Path to Becoming a Nurse Midwife: An Interview with Katie Spiess

Championing women's healthcare: Meet Katie Spiess, the dedicated nurse-midwife combating maternal mortality. Gain valuable insights into her journey and commitment.

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