A Mocingbird Holiday

We are almost at the end of 2020 – a year of changes, challenges, surprises, struggles, sacrifices, hard works, new learning with lots of ups and downs. This year, we learned to re-prioritize our focus to the ‘essentials’ and be more appreciative of things that we often overlooked or took for granted. 

MOCINGBIRD went through a rapid growth phase this year. We raised $1.5M in our seed round fundraising, expanded the team to 10+ employees, welcomed many world-class partners and advisors from leading healthcare organizations, to name a few.

The team is on fire and ready to take MOCINGBIRD to the next level in 2021!

We are a team full of hidden talents. In this holiday season, many of these talents were put to good use. To wrap up this year and get ready for 2021, here is our MOCINGBIRD holiday cheer to you all – ? ?

Product team => Margarita making MasterClass (virtual style!) ?

Newsletter Images-png

Sales team => Poet / Word Wizards ?️

MOCINGBIRD Leader => Next Tik Tok Dance Influencer ?

Happy Holidays!!

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