The Dashboard
We get it, online platforms can be hard to navigate, especially when there’s so much content to digest. The Mocingbird dashboard provides an overview of your state licenses and board certifications, all in one place.
Here, you can click on any individual board certifications or state license, which will bring you to the specific tasks associated with those boards/licenses. Tasks include:
- Pending exams
- Self assessments
- Continuing Education credits and/or contact hours
- Completing trainings
- One-time requirements
- Renewing and/or maintaining certifications, licenses, and other trackers
On the dashboard, you can quickly view the statuses of your licenses. Statuses include on track, at risk, and off track.
- Off track means that one or more tasks are due in less than 30 days, or that they are already past due
- At risk means that one or more tasks are due within 60 days
- On track means that all tasks are due in more than 60 days
On your dashboard you can also know when exactly your licenses expire, and how many credits you have completed. You will also be able to see how many remaining tasks you have to complete in order to renew your board certification or state license. Additionally, you will see the dates that tasks expire for each board certification and state license, so that you are able to stay on top of your tasks before you start the renewal process. By clicking on each license or board certification, you are able to see all your requirements for recertification. The dashboard will track your progress, to ensure that you are staying compliant.
When you click on a board certification or state license, you can see all of the details pertaining to that board or license. Inside each card, you’ll be able to see the issuing authority, tasks remaining, credits completed, as well as a list view of all tasks pertaining to your state license or board certification. By clicking on “Issuing Authority”, you will be brought to the Certifying Board or State Government page to find additional information if needed.
There are also additional professional licenses or certifications that you may hold and
need to keep track of, in addition to state and board licenses. This includes ACLS, ATLS, BLS, DEA, and more. These trackers can be added to your dashboard as well.
When you complete tasks associated with your board certifications, state licenses, or other licenses, you can simply upload the documentation via the platform, or you can email it to [email protected]. Your virtual assistant from Mocingbird will then apply the credit to the appropriate tracker within 72 hours.
Mocingbird is your virtual assistant in ongoing licensing management. Let us do the tracking, validating, verifying, and calculating for all your CME requirements, so you don’t have to. Check out other “How-Tos” on our blog to learn more about key features on the Mocingbird platform!
To view courses relating to your specific state license requirements or board requirements, sign into your Mocingbird profile and head over to the learning center.
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